Monday, November 6, 2017

2 years!

Hello everybody!

I totally forgot that I had a blog for these 2 years of ' missing in action'

A little update about myself as of today ,

I am now already in UiTM Law School in Shah Alam. I am currently in my 2nd semester of a full time degree programme. I have another 6 semesters to go inshaAllah. I hope and I pray may I finish this course on time and with great results.
So far, Law degree has been quite challenging and something new for me to adapt. But somehow I am already slowly getting okay with it..
I thought I would not succeed in enrolling in uitm law school but somehow I did. Alhamdulillah and I am quite happy and proud of my achievements!

My sister Arjumand is already in her 3rd year in Medical school. Both of us inshaallah will be graduating around the same time.

I have been going here and there running errands on my mother's behalf for so long. before i entered law degree, I took one year break from studies just to stay at home with my parents.

I totally believe that if I dont spend time with them now, I may not have any more time to spend with them in the future.
Reasons? I will be very busy with my study life, and after I graduate, there goes my work life.. and marriage life.. and no more free- full time with parents.
I believe every one of us should do this at least once in our lifetime. Because we never know how long more will our parents be with us.. and how much longer they need us to be with them by their side.

I thank God for the amazing 1 year opportunity to stay at home with Mami and Dada. Basically what I did was accompany both of them everywhere they go. Brought my mother for her monthly checkups at the hospital, went to the market, bought groceries, drove them everywhere they go, cooked for them and most importantly, be with them..

I am Glad and thankful that I still have my parents with me at the age of 20 years old. I have some friends of mine who have lost their parents when they were younger and of course, they will not have this great opportunity any more in their life..

So remember, to always cherish the ones you love while they are still around.

Once they have gone forever, there is no use anymore for you to regret and be sad for things you wished you would have done.

- Sahara.

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